Sunday, July 2, 2023

Texas Notes for the week of July 2

 Sum 12

Sum Pairs

12 39 48 57 66

Key Number 


PICK 3 1-OFF Combinations
Selected Number426
1-OFF One Digit526, 436, 427, 326, 416, 425, 
1-OFF Two Digits536, 437, 527, 516, 336, 435, 525, 327, 417, 316, 415, 325, 
1-OFF Three Digits537, 535, 337, 517, 515, 335, 317, 315,


421 476 471  926 921 976 971

Key pairs

42 47  92 97

26  67 21 17

46  41 96 91

PICK 3 1-OFF Combinations
Selected Number267
1-OFF One Digit367, 277, 268, 167, 257, 266, 
1-OFF Two Digits377, 278, 368, 357, 177, 276, 366, 168, 258, 157, 256, 166, 
1-OFF Three Digits378, 376, 178, 358, 356, 176, 158, 156,


Sunday, June 25, 2023

Pairs of the week of June 26

 These are still in play




09 54 59



37 82 87

Note to self

 Tier 4

054(045,504,405) 034(043,304,403) 954(945,594,495) 053(035,503,305) 934(943,394,493) 953(935,593,395)

Tier 2
044(404) 944(494) 154(145) 055(505) 134(143) 033(303) 153(135) 955(595) 933(393) 584(485) 384(483) 583(385)

Tier 1
144 155 133 484 585 383

044 144 054 944 034 154 055 134 954 053 934 033 155 153 955 133 953 933 484 584 384 585 583 383

Texas Notes for the week of June 26



Sum Pair

08 17 26 35 44

Key Number 


PICK 3 1-OFF Combinations
Selected Number044
1-OFF One Digit144, 054, 045, 944, 034, 043, 
1-OFF Two Digits154, 055, 145, 134, 954, 053, 143, 945, 035, 934, 033, 943, 
1-OFF Three Digits155, 153, 955, 135, 133, 953, 935, 933,

Key Pairs

04 09 54 59

44 94 99

PICK 3 1-OFF Combinations
Selected Number494
1-OFF One Digit594, 404, 495, 394, 484, 493, 
1-OFF Two Digits504, 405, 595, 584, 304, 403, 593, 395, 485, 384, 483, 393, 
1-OFF Three Digits505, 503, 305, 585, 583, 303, 385, 383,